Saturday, October 9, 2010
Why do a Boy needs a friend who's Girl?
- Will never leave u alone when you're sad.
- Will see to it that u do your work on time.
- Will make sure u doesn’t skip meals to play matches.
- Will ask u to leave your bad habits everyday, every times.
- Will fight with u on small matters, but won't keep the anger for long.
- Will make u money wise.
- Will say don't worry, even if there is lots to worry or nothing to worry.
- Will makes u punctual.
- Will help u restrain your anger.
- Will call you 15 times a day to know what you're doing.
You might feel bugged at times but truth is that you can't do anything without her...
Embracing Change
Does that word scare you? If you're like most, the word change stops your heart in its tracks.
Yet the truth of the matter is, we can't hide from change.
Change is what makes the world flow.
At the young age of 16, I experienced profound change.
Over the past few years I have come accustom to experiencing change - Whether it is saying
goodbye to friends and family or beginning a new direction in my life. Change has made me who I am today.
Here are some tips I have found to helpful to make the most of changes in our lives:
One of my favorite quotes applies here:"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" – Shakespeare
When you are faced with change it is important that you ask yourself how this can make me grow.
Because I looked at the move as an opportunity to grow, I was able to make the most out of a situation that could easily have become a disaster.
When you look to grow rather than focus on the negatives you will be surprised at how much easier dealing with change then becomes.
Instead of closing doors look to open them.
When you resist your emotions you simply make them stronger.
Instead of suppressing your emotions let them flow. If you're sad be sad. If you're angry be angry. Let your feelings out.
Feel - Breathe. Repeat. Eventually you will be able back to your good old self.
I'd be lying to you if I said all change is easy. It's not. Yet as human beings, it is my belief, that we have an obligation to make the most out of our time on earth.
7 Tips For Dealing With Confrontation
(Written by: Steven Aitchison)
A lot of people cannot handle confrontation and start to shake, they lose control of their voice pitch, and they want to hit out and cannot control their thoughts properly. It can be frustrating when someone is putting us down and you can't argue back as you have got a touch of confrontation jitters. This is the `flight or fight' syndrome kicking in and it pumps adrenaline throughout your body in readiness to kick someone's arse or in readiness to run away from someone you think might kick your arse. It is your body getting prepared.
Here are 7 tips to deal with confrontation:
1. Take a deep breath just before the confrontation or during it, if necessary. This lowers your heartbeat and blood pressure.
2. Breathe a little slower, again this lowers your heartbeat and lowers the amount of adrenaline running through your body.
3. Take 5 minutes, if you can, and quickly rehearse what you are going to say to someone. Make key points of your argument.
4. Get to know what triggers your anger and prepare a new response to that trigger. By doing this you are aware of the buttons people can push to elicit a certain response - When you know your own triggers it less likely that someone can push the buttons as you are prepared.
5. Make the person aware of how confrontational they are being - Saying something like `why are you shouting at me?', `Why are you being so aggressive'. This turns the energy back on the person and lets them look at themselves for a minute, this might calm them down as a lot of people get lost in the moment and don't realise they are being aggressive.
6. Another way is to turn all the attention back on the person you are arguing with. `You seem really angry about that!'; `You look as if you're really pissed off?' Again this can have the same affect of point 5.
7. Don't get sucked into their arguments. The purpose of an argument is to manipulate you into losing the argument thereby showing the other person they have won and they are superior. If you don't get sucked in there is no argument to win, and you come out looking the better person.
Make Your Child Financial Literate
If you want your children to inherit true wealth, make them financially literate.
I like this quote by American columnist Bob Talbert: "Teaching kids to count is fine but teaching them what counts is best." The quote is pithy but it gets to the core of teaching fiscal responsibility.
Parents also enroll their kids in drama, dance, singing, karate and other classes. But how many of us actually remember that when our kids enter the real world, the first thing they will confront is money?
Amidst all the classes, we forget an important life skill—financial literacy. Many of us probably pay our children pocket money but we don't realise that this is not teaching them about the value of money or how to manage it. Some schools touch upon economics or basic finance courses, however, no school is equipped to analytically teach financial literacy to your kids.
What Exactly Is Financial Literacy?
· Income, expenses and savings
· Assets—real and financial—and liabilities
· Risk management, insurance and its purpose
· Investments and how to make money work for you
· How to handle situations such as disability, starting a business, inheritance
· Wills, trusts, and intergenerational wealth transfer.
In the Indian context, money is a touchy issue and in terms of discussing sensitive topics, ranks as high as sex education. Thus, it's not surprising that most parents are loath to discussing it.
The best way to teach kids about money is to let them deal with money early on. This is because as kids grow into teenagers they develop strong habits, which become hardwired because of peer pressure and the external environment.
They need to understand the power of money and the consequences of their decisions. It's far better that they commit mistakes at a young age with smaller amounts than commit financial blunders when they grow up. They will thus experience handling their own money and making decisions around it. I believe this is a strong competitive edge that you can give your children for their future financial success.
Common sense and some practical ideas is all you need to have to start teaching your children about money. The key learning points for kids should be:
· Having healthy values about money
· Setting goals and priorities
· Thinking and making prudent choices
· Not living for the weekend: delay instant gratification
· Understanding the virtues of hard work.
There are often many real-life situations when you can teach your kids about money, considering that money is an integral part of our daily life.
· Any time: Whenever you buy groceries or petrol or even pay school fees, you can teach children. If you have taken your son to an ATM, and he insists on pressing all the buttons like most kids, take this opportunity to discuss a few points about ATMs.
· Special time: You can always set aside time to teach them the basics of money management. If you cannot, then you must seek professional help. It is far better to spend some money on financial education than allowing your children to develop irresponsible and dangerous money attitudes, behaviours and habits.
(Written by: Amar Pandit)