Saturday, October 2, 2010

Work Is What You Make Of It

Work and mentally renounce the fruits achieved thereafter. Don't let the shadow of personal prejudice affect how you perceive work. This is the essence of karma yoga.

The wise work for common benefit whereas the ignorant work only for themselves or their near and dear ones.

A farmer has control over how he works in his fields, but not over the harvest. Krishna tells Arjuna: "Yoga is karmasu kausalam, doing work skilfully in the first attempt."

Work is external but our attitude to it is internal . A certain attitude may make us feel work is miserable while another kind of attitude makes it pleasant. By cultivating the right attitude, we will become spiritual. That is meditation.

Once in a village several people were engaged in construction of a temple A wandering sage passing by wants to know what is happening there, so he asks a person cutting stone: "What are you doing?" The labourer replies with frustration: "Don't you see that I am cutting stone? It's a hard stone. Look at my hands! They have become red. Work is hell. And to make matters worse, you ask me what I am doing. How I wish I were not doing this!" The sage asks: "I see you are cutting stone, but let me know what is coming up here?" The stonecutter replies that he has no idea; it does not concern him. He is disinterested.

The sage next goes to another man and asks him the same question: "What are you doing?" The man replies: "I'm cutting stone here; that's my job. For eight hours of work I get paid Rs 100. I have a wife and children to take care of. I'm doing my duty." The sage asks him: "Do you know what is coming up here?" He says: "Yes, they say they're making a temple. How does it matter to me, whether what is being constructed is a temple or a jail, as long as I get paid?"

Then the sage goes to a third worker who is also cutting stone and poses the same question. The man replies: "We are building a temple. There is no temple here; every year at festivals we have to trek to the temple in the next village. You know, every time I hit the stone I hear wonderful music. The temple work has put the sleepy village in a festive mood." The sage asks: "How long do you have to work on this project?" The man says the timeline is not his concern for as soon as he wakes up in the morning, he gets ready for work and begins cutting stone. He tells the sage that he spends the entire day here, taking a break between mealtimes. "When I go home in the night and sleep, in my dream I think of this construction and feel grateful that I enjoy the work I do. I am truly blessed," he said.

Three men doing the same work have three different attitudes. The first person thinks it is hell, the second looks upon his work as his duty. However, the third worker thinks what he is able to do is a blessing.

If the work itself had the qualities inherently, good or bad, then, these three men might have felt the same. But in reality, it's not the work itself that is good or bad.

It is not the work that disturbs us but something that's subtler; it's the attitude we have towards work.

When You Walk Alone, You Walk Fast

When large-scale copying of ideas and lifestyles is the norm, it is unusual for one to embark on an unexplored path out of conviction.

On uncharted territory every decision taken is a unique one as it has no precedence; so it's a challenge. To do so requires tremendous courage, conviction and faith in one's own capability.

Taking a known path is safer, as one would know what to expect or what turn events might take.

When you walk alone , there is the danger of giving in to self-doubt or feeling vulnerable at being ridiculed for having taken a "brave decision". Some might call it arrogance.

When frustration sets in it is important to replay situations that propelled us to take the unbeaten path. When in conflict, go and relive the decision. That would help clarify your purpose and motivation. When that is sorted out, the next step is to analyse the present situation.

You would perhaps conclude that conflicts in the mind arise when there is a gap between what was expected and what is currently occurring. It is when these conflicts occur that depressing doubts begin. Stress, anxiety and other psychosomatic problems begin to emerge causing health problems.

What is the way out? Gautama Buddha's Second Noble Truth – Patticasamuppada or Dukkha samuddaya – focuses on 12 parameters. Buddha's process of deduction provides a logical perspective.

We doubt because the sense object contact inevitably brings forth various emotions, according to Buddha. But the turmoil that occurs inevitably is because we identify our emotions with what is occurring around so completely that all rational thinking is lost.

Because of its innate simplicity Buddha's teachings attract the common man and help him to overcome self-doubt and dissatisfaction.

In order to apply his practical notion to our day-to-day life we would have to comprehend the following:

Firstly, nothing is permanent, so accept where we are now and not cling to the effects that are thrown our way. We should be pragmatic and clinically study why we are in a state of turmoil or take it one notch higher and introspect to see if we are really in a state of dissatisfaction. On dispassionate analysis we will see that every situation that we are in is because of the way or the manner in which we have handled or perceived the occurrences around us.

Walking alone is not a problem but to stay on course, understand and face challenges therein is the true test. It would help then to look at achievers who have reached the pinnacle of excellence in their respective fields.

Are they not people like you and me who have broken the set stereotype and gone beyond the paradigm? Have they not set an example that is beyond the ordinary?

The difference is that, though they walked alone, they did so with conviction, confidence and commitment like the Paccheka Buddha of early Buddhist philosophy who was an individual in pursuit of a way out of the daily trammels of living, but charting his own course.

8 Ways To Live A Powerful And Joyous Life

When I don't take 100% responsibility for my life I block my own progress and happiness.

Sometimes it's easier to play in someone else's business or back yard instead of changing what needs to be changed in my own.

Using my creative power to be a proactive participant in my life allows me to transcend my limitations and live in joy.

The following tips will allow you to shatter both internal and external barriers as well.

Here are 8 Ways to Live a Powerful and Joyous Life:

1. Honor And Love Yourself.

It's impossible to love anyone more than you love yourself. It's easy to love yourself when you feel good, look great and everyone cooperates.

The real test comes with accepting your flaws, working with your shadow side and loving your humanness. I've learned to have compassion for the part of me that is greedy, inconsiderate and judgmental. Self-love allows me to heal these parts and move forward into a brighter light and deeper love for myself and others.

2. Become Your Own Priority.

Pamper your body, mind and spirit. Take baby steps and begin to eat right and be impeccably groomed. Take scheduled breaks through out your day.

Feed your mind with spiritual and inspirational information. You add beautiful, loving energy to our world as you learn to respect yourself.

3. Stop Comparing, Competing, And Criticizing

As you eliminate draining little habits from your daily life your energy can flow freely into your dreams and happiness. Your role in life is like a puzzle piece that fits into the jigsaw puzzle of the universe, the world is incomplete without your unique self.

When I find myself stuck in the three "C's" I know I'm off track. It only takes minutes to own my projections and move forward. I choose to live in the flow of life trusting myself with an open mind and heart.

4. Anchor Your Being In Appreciation

It's a privilege to be alive at this time. I am grateful for the difficult lessons I'm learning from our economy, the oil spill, and the war.

As I make inner changes, I see my exterior world change . In stead of focusing on the media and negativity I focus on the difference I can make.

Answers to our problems lie in each of us . Each morning I decide to "wake up and smell the day."

Life is precious, I won't waste it wishing things were different. I choose to live more consciously.

The individual changes we make will change the world.

5. Activate Forgiveness

Perfection in life is not required.

We all do and say things we regret. I choose to learn from my mistakes.

I encourage you to be gentle with yourself and others. Resentment and bitterness poison our mind, body and spirit.

Forgiving others will take you out of the dark and into the light, that's available always.

6. Record Loving Moments

Keep a journal of the happiness, love and goodness you experience everyday. Focusing on love and good times increases love and good times.

A journal of "good stuff" can be used as a great pick-me-up in difficult times. You'll find there are infinite experiences to record.

Be a part of seeing the best in every thing and every one.

I've kept gratitude journals for eight years. I'm flooded with appreciation for my ordinary existence each time I reread one.

7. Set Your Intention

Each morning set your intention for your day. "I intend to be patient today. I intend to be kind. I intend to live in the moment." You choose your attitude, energy and direction. Consciously create the incredible and amazing life you desperately want. Resolve to choose the best for yourself. You'll learn to brighten your own day!

8. Serve Others

There is a story about heaven and hell…In one room a pot of delicious stew sits in the middle of a big round table. The people at the table are holding unusually long handled spoons which made reaching their mouths impossible. They are thin, sick and weak. This room represents hell.

The next room also has a large table and a delicious pot of stew as well… The people around this table also hold long-handled spoons. However these people are plump, healthy and happy because they've learned to feed each other. This room represents heaven.

Find someone to serve everyday. Expect nothing in return.

It's easy to lose hope, blame others and feel victimized in our world.

Yet, our power lies in establishing thoughts and habits of goodness and love.

Imagine throwing your pebble of good thoughts and habits in the water. Yours connect to other like-minded good thoughts and habits. Soon you begin to notice and take part in a whole new world.

And everyone will ask you, "How did you get so lucky?"


(Written by: Tess Marshall)

All we Need Is Love

Love is all that everyone wants .
Their purpose in life is love; to love someone, to be loved,
to love their car, to love their dog, to love their garden etc.
But all these types of love are perishable and are destined to fade away.
The love we really want is within us all the time.
When we feel love, where is the love coming from?
It is within us, that’s because we are love.
So I need to sit in silence and get to know myself again,
because when I get to know my true self I will find out that I am love.
I don't need to look for it outside.
I have an imperishable supply of the most sweetest
love possible within me.

Self Confidence

The business executive was deep in debt and could see no way out. Creditors were closing in on him. Suppliers were demanding payment. He sat on the park bench, head in hands, wondering if anything could save his company from bankruptcy.

Suddenly an old man appeared before him. "I can see that something is troubling you," he said. After listening to the executive's woes, the old man said, "I believe I can help you."

He asked the man his name, wrote out a check, and pushed it into his hand saying, "Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time." The business executive saw in his hand a check for $500,000, signed by John D. Rockefeller, then one of the richest men in the world!

"I can erase my money worries in an instant!" he realized. But instead, the executive decided to put the un-cashed check in his safe. Just knowing it was there might give him the strength to work out a way to save his business, he thought.

With renewed optimism, he negotiated better deals and extended terms of payment. He closed several big sales. Within a few months, he was out of debt and making money once again.

One year later, he returned to the park with the un-cashed check. At the agreed-upon time, the old man appeared. But just as the executive was about to hand back the check and share his success story, a nurse came running up and grabbed the old man.

"I'm so glad I caught him!" she cried. "I hope he hasn't been bothering you. He's always escaping from the home and telling people he's John D. Rockefeller."And she led the old man away.

The astonished executive just stood there, stunned. All year long he'd been wheeling and dealing, buying and selling, convinced he had half a million dollars behind him.

Suddenly, he realized that it wasn't the money that had turned his life around. It was his newfound self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he went after.

How You Will Travel The River Of Life

Two young girls, Laukika and Samatha, set off on an adventure. Both of them had completed their formal education and before venturing into their respective samsaric enterprises, they thought of taking a break to contemplate life. And thus was born this hedonistic idea of journeying down the river.

Laukika was so overwhelmed with the river's speed, energy and her own enthusiasm that she said to her friend: "I'm going to jump into the river, Samatha, and be carried along with its great energies. Meet you later." So saying, she took the plunge, without waiting for her friend to respond.

Laukika enjoyed the initial adventure. At times the river frightened her, its strong current sweeping her along. But she dismissed her fears as she was taken up by the full flow of the river. The current carried her afar, and she could now no longer see the shore. Laukika was euphoric and wanted more of the adventure. Forever engrossed in steadying herself from the speed of her journey, she managed mere fleeting glimpses of the beauty around her.

Now, the waves got bigger, the waters deeper, the river widened, the gushing became so forceful that she was thrown about, knocked about on the rocks all over, water and sand filled her nostrils and mouth, she was being bruised. The girl panicked. "Help me to the shore, someone", she cried, but no one heard her. Those who did hear her couldn't do much, as they were not in a position to help her.

Meanwhile, Samatha had set out on foot. "I choose to walk down the river bank instead. I might be able to enjoy the vistas better this way", she had thought to herself before embarking on her journey.

Many years passed. The two friends met again. They hugged each other, happy to meet once again. They shared their experiences. Laukika admitted she did have her share of fun, but the journey had tired her out. Moreover, she felt vacant inside. There was so much she wanted to do, she said, but the sheer speed of her journey didn't permit her to take those liberties.

Samatha spoke: "I too thought for long after you left me, Laukika. I was tempted to follow you. The river looked enticing. But then, there was no hurry, either. I chose to walk down instead. I got to experience and enjoy the scenic offerings around the river. I marvelled at the sunrise and sunset that were so different each day. The open blue sky was so re-assuring, as were the stars at night. I played with the countless birds and butterflies that filled the forest. I was tempted many times to plunge myself into the racing river – but would spend only a little time in the waters before drying myself on the warm rocks on the banks, read a book and resume my journey. The local people who collected firewood and fruits from the forest would invite me to their humble homes. I would play with their children and share with them simple tips on improving their health before bidding them goodbye. It has been an amazing journey."

The friends sat in silence, mulling over the choices they'd made and the experiences they'd been through.

Decide yourself how you will travel the river of life.

Confidence in Now

Now is where you are. Now is where to focus your efforts and Attention.

Now you can act and get results. Now you can make a Difference and have an influence.

It makes no sense to concern yourself now with your Shortcomings in the past. Now is when you can do what you Were previously unable or unwilling to do.

There is time to live your life and that time is now. There Is time to experience joy, love and fulfillment, and that
Time is now.

There is nothing you need before you can act, because you Are already here and now. There is much that you can do, so Do it now.

Make complete, effective use of this moment. And know the Power of claiming full confidence in now.