Many people resolve to do this or that, change this or that, break a bad habit, or start a new one. Sometimes it works; often it doesn't. Is that because so many of us are like the bird in the following story? A man once owned an eagle, and for many years kept him chained to a stake. Every day the eagle walked around and around that stake, and over time wore a rut in the ground.
When the eagle was getting old, his master felt sorry for him and decided to set him free. So he took the metal ring off the eagle's foot, lifted the eagle from the ground, and tossed him into the air. He was free--but he had forgotten how to fly! He flip-flopped to the ground, walked back over to his old rut, and started walking in circles like he had for years. No chain and shackle held him, just the habit!
The moral of the story is to never let habits build up to the point where we cannot change ourselves for the better even when our circumstances have changed. It’s not impossible for you to change bad habits yourself if you want it badly enough. Some changes are instantaneous while others take awhile, but NOTHING is impossible to the one that believes!
Believe it or not, they used to build bridges by first flying a kite from one side of the river or gorge to the other. Someone on the opposite side caught the kite and tied a little thicker, stronger string to the end of the kite string, and the men who had sent the kite over pulled the new, thicker string back across. The teams on each side kept repeating the process, next with an even stronger string, then a cord, then a thin rope, then a thicker rope, and so on. Eventually they could pull a small steel cable across, then a heavier one, until finally they had a cable across the expanse that was strong enough to support them and their tools and materials.-And it all started with one tiny kite string!
That's how habits are formed, both good and bad. Add a thread every day, and before long you can't break it. Start developing a good habit by taking the first step, however small, in the right direction. Then keep at it until you've built up a routine that can't easily be broken.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
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