When I don't take 100% responsibility for my life I block my own progress and happiness.
Using my creative power to be a proactive participant in my life allows me to transcend my limitations and live in joy.
The following tips will allow you to shatter both internal and external barriers as well.
Here are 8 Ways to Live a Powerful and Joyous Life:
3. Stop Comparing, Competing, And Criticizing
When I find myself stuck in the three "C's" I know I'm off track. It only takes minutes to own my projections and move forward. I choose to live in the flow of life trusting myself with an open mind and heart.
4. Anchor Your Being In Appreciation
As I make inner changes, I see my exterior world change . In stead of focusing on the media and negativity I focus on the difference I can make.
Answers to our problems lie in each of us . Each morning I decide to "wake up and smell the day."
Life is precious, I won't waste it wishing things were different. I choose to live more consciously.
The individual changes we make will change the world.
Perfection in life is not required.
We all do and say things we regret. I choose to learn from my mistakes.
Forgiving others will take you out of the dark and into the light, that's available always.
Keep a journal of the happiness, love and goodness you experience everyday. Focusing on love and good times increases love and good times.
Be a part of seeing the best in every thing and every one.
There is a story about heaven and hell…In one room a pot of delicious stew sits in the middle of a big round table. The people at the table are holding unusually long handled spoons which made reaching their mouths impossible. They are thin, sick and weak. This room represents hell.
The next room also has a large table and a delicious pot of stew as well… The people around this table also hold long-handled spoons. However these people are plump, healthy and happy because they've learned to feed each other. This room represents heaven.
Find someone to serve everyday. Expect nothing in return.
It's easy to lose hope, blame others and feel victimized in our world.
Yet, our power lies in establishing thoughts and habits of goodness and love.
And everyone will ask you, "How did you get so lucky?"
(Written by: Tess Marshall)
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