Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Choice is MINE

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I can fear, or I can trust - myself, others or God.

I can complain about aches and pains or I can affirm
God's perfect gift of life within me.

I can dwell on loss, or I can seek new interests,
new life in living.

I can criticize others, or I can accept and bless them
and enjoy happy and harmonious relationships.

I can Harbour old grudges, or I can forgive.

I can speak of lack, or I can affirm God's never
failing supply.

I can give up, or I can make a fresh start.

I can go it alone, or I can depend on God.

"Choose this day Whom you will serve"

Most valuable Asset

Your attitude can be your most valuable asset. For it is with
Your attitude that you make use of all the other assets.

If you have a well-developed skill but don't take the
Initiative to use it, you might as well not even have that
Skill. If you have great opportunities and fail to take
Advantage of them, they won't be of any value to you.

In fact, you do have more than enough intelligence and skill
To reach any goal you set for yourself. You do have ways to
Access the resources necessary to achieve anything that
You're fully committed to achieving.

The defining factor is your attitude. Because your attitude
Determines what you do with each moment, and those moments,
All added together, form the substance of your life.

And your attitude is yours to choose. It ultimately depends
Not on any outside factors, but on what you decide to make

You have a whole world full of good things going for you.
Adopt an attitude that enables you to always make the best
Of what you have


A day that begins with gratitude is a day that you'll be able to fill with positive progress.
When you're sincerely appreciative of where you are and what you have,

Choices in every moment

The same skills you use to create limiting beliefs can be
Used to create empowering beliefs. All you need is a
Meaningful enough reason.

The same energy you use to make excuses can instead be used
To take action. You simply have to want it enough.

You are a full time, highly effective achievement machine.
What you choose to achieve is completely up to you.

You have what it takes to live your dreams and you have what
It takes to ignore those dreams. You get to decide which it
Will be.

Your choices are made in every moment, in every word, in
Every thought, and in every action. Those choices are driven
By what you focus upon.

The life you live is the life you choose to most vividly and
Consistently imagine. Imagine the best, without ceasing, and
that's exactly what you'll have.

Let it Begin With You

Today, be in peace.
Take a moment to fill yourself with peace
And to know the truth: it all begins with you.

Be the light that shines out for the world.
Be the beacon of hope and love, joy and wonder.
Be the bright glow in the life of everyone you touch this year
And know that your glow ignites them and that they then ignite others.

And this wondrous glow of love and joy can spread rapidly,
Person to person, reaching around the globe, filling hearts
With love and lives with laughter. And it all begins with you.

Take a deep breath and fill yourself with love and light.
See your own light glowing inside and then spreading out.
And now lift yourself up, up and up, until you see that
You are a star in the night sky, shining down on the world,
Your love and your light blessing all below.

You are this light, this shining star of hope and joy for millions.
Allow yourself to be this. Allow yourself to step into
Your full power to be the peace that the world yearns for.

Let it begin within you and fill every word, every gesture,
Every touch, everything you do today and in the coming year,
In the coming lifetime.
Let it begin with you.